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Are the nappies you use safe for your baby?

mom holding baby

The importance of choosing non-toxic products for your baby

With so many things to consider when raising a child, you might wonder whether it’s worth the extra effort to choose non-toxic products for your baby. Well, it is. In fact, it is one of the most important things that you can do for them! 

In this article, we will cover why it is important to keep your baby toxin-free, and how to go about choosing nappies that are safe for their skin.

Why it’s important

Most products we consume day-to-day include chemicals. Many of these chemicals have not been studied for their long-term harm, so we have no idea what part they play in our children’s health and well-being as they grow up. Outrageous, we know! 

Children don’t stop touching things, but we don’t have to tell you that - they’re probably doing it right now. Unfortunately, we can’t stop our little ones from exploring and touching everything in sight, but what we can do is carefully select what we give them access to and what we put on their tiny bodies. 


 Of the thousands of chemicals used in consumer products, it’s good to be aware of key groups of synthetic chemicals. These are: pesticides, phthalates, flame retardants, bisphenol (BPA) and PFAS. 


 While it is impossible to eliminate the exposure to these completely, we can ensure that the products we use for our kids are safe from these harmful toxic substances. 


 The best thing we can do is strive to buy as many natural products and do some serious mum research if a product simply says that it’s ‘safe’. We are all champions of scouring the internet for the answers, keep the hunt for dangerous chemicals at the top of your search engine!

mom and baby in field

The importance of non-toxic nappies

Nappies are in contact with our babies’ bottoms for a long time - if not 24/7! And as much as we would like to think that manufacturers have got our babies’ health and well-being in mind, unfortunately not all of them do. 


 Not all nappies are made the same, which makes it important to check the materials used to ensure that your little one isn’t coming into constant contact with lots of nasties. 


Many popular disposable nappies contain toxic substances that are linked to hormonal problems, asthma, developmental delays, and even cancer. But fear not, here is a helpful list of things to look for and avoid on your next late-night nappy run. 

 ● Chlorine 

● Elemental chlorine-free pulp (ECF) 

● Tributyltin● VOCs● Fragrances 

Additionally, Chlorine is a known carcinogen. Who would put that into nappies? Well, a lot of companies do. This is why it’s so important to take matters into your own hands and shop carefully.


Nappies made from natural materials are better for your baby and the environment. It’s a win-win! As well as reducing the risk of nappy rash, irritation, allergic reaction, and exposure to harsh chemicals, they are also biodegradable! It can take up to 500 years for your baby’s disposable, non-biodegradable nappies to decompose. Yes, you read that right...500 years! Yikes! 

By choosing safe and planet-friendly nappies you can help reduce the impact disposable nappies have on our environment and make the better choice for your baby.


We can’t completely stop our children’s exposure to harmful chemicals and substances. But we are in the best position to manage and reduce their exposure to these toxins by making informed and educated choices. In the process, you’ll be doing something great for your baby and the planet! 

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