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A little mum pampering please!

love yourself heart hands

Indulgences every mum needs...

Being a mum, is hands down one of the toughest jobs in the world. It’s hard physically, emotionally and mentally. When mum can recognise for herself that she needs a moment to slow down, take a breath, and pamper herself, she probably needed that day of rest a week ago! 

A little mum pampering is essential to being a healthy parent. A parent can only be the best parent they can be when they are feeling good. Here are some indulgences that every mum should try: 

Time by herself.

One big indulgence a mum needs is time to herself. It’s amazing what even just an hour to yourself to do what you want to do, even if it means just drinking your cup of coffee and scrolling on your phone, can do. This may seem like a luxury at the time with every mum’s ever-growing to-do list. Schedule out this time to make sure that this time actually happens. Put it on the calendar, let your significant other know that they are on duty and mum is off the clock, just for a little while. Read a book, have your lunch outside or take that time to catch up on some much-needed sleep.

A good soak.

Every mum needs a good soak. A good soak can mean in the bathtub with dimmed lights, soft music, and candles. Or a good soak in the sun catching the warm sun rays and outdoor air. These are truly peaceful moments that mums need to indulge in. Self-care is so important and getting a good soak in can help level out those stress hormones. Take a deep breath and just soak. This is a great way to pamper yourself.

A date night.

A mum needs a night to get dressed up, let her hair down, put some makeup on and feel indulged and appreciated. Not only is a date night good to reconnect with your significant other; it is also a great reminder that you have a life outside of our children. No babysitter? In isolation? Can’t go out? No excuses… This can be as simple as making dinner time special at home. Plan to eat your dinner a little late, after the kids have gone down for the night… ensuring uninterrupted pampering time. Set up the table with candles making sure your favourite dessert is served, watch that movie you've been wanting to see for ages, or simply put some music on and dance the night away. Happy mum, happy life.

Her own hobbies.

Remember when you used to paint, play the piano or just create something? Indulge in your creative outlets and don’t ever let them go. A mum’s life may feel like its constantly revolving around their kids and the family as a whole. Having these outlets helps keep stress down. They give mums a healthy distraction, an outlet for creativity and can improve your overall mental and emotional health.


A good friendship is not only a healthy indulgence that every mum needs but it's so good for the soul. Having a friendship isn’t just having an outlet for adult conversation, it is the connection and bond that builds what is important to mums. A strong friendship can be there when you need to vent, maybe help talk you down from the ledge and is simply a great support system. Indulge in these friendships. They are sometimes the lifeline to helping a mum stay sane.

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